If you reach Furtwangen from direction Freiburg, Titisee or Waldkirch, you will find WEP on the Bundesstrasse B500 to the left hand side at the first cross-way after the Furtwangen entrance signpost. From the Autobahn A5 use the exit Freiburg North and pass by Waldkirch/ Simonswald. From the Autobahn A81 use the exit Donaueschingen, pass by Donaueschingen and Vöhrenbach, and drive around the city of Furtwangen in direction to Freiburg/ Waldkirch/ Titisee. The next hub airports are Frankfurt (FRA) or Zürich (ZRH), directly linked by high speed trains to Freiburg. Further airports nearby are Stuttgart (STR), Basel/Mulhouse (BSL/EAP/MLH), Strasbourg (SXB) or Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden (FKB).